Saturday, October 4, 2014

Jogo de Azar

Você lança os dados.
Faz suas apostas.
Você tem cartas na manga.
Tem copas nas mãos,
Mas não tem meu coração!


You've got your dice rolling.
You've got your bets flowing.
You've got the aces up your sleeves.
You've got hearts in your hands,
But you don't have mine!

Monday, June 2, 2014

The World Cup in the Country of Instability

The world’s greatest soccer event is coming and all eyes are on Brazil. As the host country, South America’s largest nation carries the responsibility of presenting a show as great as its territory. However, Brazil still has to prove it is prepared to do so.
During the Confederations Cup 2013, a series of protests and demonstrations popped up throughout the country, generating a wave of fear and doubt about its qualifications to actually host the most important soccer competition. Brazilian people have been unhappy about the country’s poor education, healthcare, security, and public transportation systems, as well as the scandalous – and ubiquitous – corruption of its politicians. These issues have been affecting the country as a whole and FIFA as a unit. The ultimate soccer body keeps pressuring the Brazilian government to find a reasonable solution.
When it was announced that the World Cup would take place in Brazil, the good news was celebrated as being a great opportunity to create new jobs, boost the country's economy and improve the quality of its public services. Nevertheless, time went by and a lot was promised and little was done. Billions were spent on building new soccer stadiums or reforming old ones, but the money designated to the public services was not as much as it should have been. Airports, hospitals, transport means, and security still need to be enhanced. The clock is ticking.

All in all, Brazil is a beautiful country. Its people are hospitable, joyful, kind, and hard-working. Therefore, when the time comes, an amazing show will be presented – as seen during the Confederations Cup. Yet, another important question is still worth attention: will Brazil actually benefit from hosting the World Cup in the long run? Well, the true winner will only be known after the final whistle. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014


    É difícil acreditar que já faz um ano desde que eu saí do Brasil para me aventurar em terras gélidas na América do Norte. Confesso que não sabia exatamente o que esperar, já que viajava sozinha e não conhecia ninguém. Ao pisar em solo canadense, minha vida mudou por completo e para melhor! Tenho tido a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas de várias partes do mundo e de desenferrujar meu inglês. Visitei lindos lugares e cidades, como Québec City, Montreal e Ottawa.Também trabalhei em um restaurante por quatro meses e, verdade seja dita, descobri que gosto muito de cozinhar! Todo este tempo em que estou longe da minha família e dos meus amigos tem sido um tempo de autorreflexão e autodescoberta. Não vejo a hora de descobrir o que o futuro me reserva e estou comprometida em alcançar meus objetivos! Oh, Canadá, o que tens tem para mim agora?

O Canada!

    I cannot believe it has been one year since I left my hometown in Brazil to venture in the True North strong and free. I confess I did not know exactly what to expect since I was travelling alone and did not know anybody. Upon my arrival, my life has changed upside down, and for better! I have had a chance to meet people from all over the world and to improve my English. I visited beautiful places and cities, such as Quebec City, Montreal, and Ottawa. Also, I worked in a restaurant for four months and, truth be told, I discovered I enjoy cooking! All this time I have been far from my family and friends has been a time of self-reflection and self-discovery. I am looking forward to finding out what future holds and I am committed to achieving my goals! O, Canada, what hast thou for me now? 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Julia contou para a Bia que contou para a Sophia que contou para o Diego que contou para o Felipe que contou para a Ana que contou para a Suzana que contou para a Renata que contou para o Daniel que contou para o Marcelo que contou para o Pedro que contou para o Rodrigo que contou para a Aline que contou para a Luciana que contou para a Roberta que contou para o Victor que contou para o Wellington que contou para o Caio que contou para a Helena que me contou que... Ih, esqueci!


Patty told Betty that told Sandra that told Johnny that told Craig that told Suzy that told Eileen that told Andrew that told Jacob that told Ed that told Bob that told Serena that told Sam that told Phoebe that told Holly that told Molly that told George that told Lucas that told Sara that told me that... Oops, I forgot!