Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Vai e Vem

Neste momento, tem gente acordando, tem gente dormindo. Enquanto uns se ocupam, outros se desocupam. Enquanto uns param, outros seguem. Outros dançam. Neste momento, tem gente pensando, compensando, se divertindo, chorando, sorrindo, indo, voltando. Tem gente traindo, subtraindo, adicionando, multiplicando ou, até mesmo, dividindo. Enquanto uns rumam ao novo, outros voltam ao passado. Outros ficam onde estão. Neste momento, tem gente passando, repassando, pagando para ver. Tem gente amando, se amando, odiando, se odiando, rezando. Enquanto uns perdoam, outros pedem perdão. Enquanto uns magoam, outros guardam mágoas. Outros guardam coisas. Neste momento, tem gente lembrando, tem gente esquecendo. Enquanto uns cantam, outros encantam. Enquanto uns correm, outros andam. Outros tropeçam. Neste momento, tem gente nascendo, renascendo, tentando outra vez. Tem gente desistindo, falindo, caindo, perdendo a vez. Enquanto uns vivem, outros morrem. Neste momento, tem gente morrendo de medo, tem gente morrendo de rir. Enquanto uns somem, outros fincam raízes. Enquanto uns ouvem, outros falam. Outros se calam. Neste momento, eu estou apenas escrevendo. Não mais. 

Come and Go

At this very moment, there are people waking up, people going to bed. There are people working, people being idle; people stopping, going, dancing, thinking, making up for someone, having fun, crying, smiling, betraying, subtracting, adding, multiplying or even dividing. As some of them head to the future, others go back to the past. Some others stick to the status quo. At this very moment, there are people passing, trespassing, betting money on something, loving, hating, praying. As some of them forgive, others beg for mercy. As some of them offend, others keep sorrow. Some others keep stuff. At this very moment, there are people remembering, people forgetting. As some of them chant, others enchant. As some of them run, others walk. Some others stumble. At this very moment, there are people being born, reviving, trying all over again; people giving up, failing, falling, missing a chance. As some of them live, others die. At this very moment, there are people getting scared, people cracking up. As some of them leave, others grow roots. As some of them listen, others talk. Some others keep silent. At this very moment, I am only writing. Not anymore.