Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Felicidade Branca

Era dezembro. Ela amava essa época do ano. O solstício de inverno veio trazendo aquela neve branquinha que tanto sonhara durante o ano todo. O Natal estava logo ali, mas ela já estava no espírito. "Esse clima pacífico e convidativo não pode ficar melhor", pensou.

Então, no dia seguinte, algo aconteceu: uma tempestade caiu e um blecaute atingiu metade da cidade. "Oh, não! Isso não pode estar acontecendo!", falou para ela mesma num tom de desespero, quase como se estivesse xingando. Foram necessárias vinte e quatro intermináveis horas para que a energia fosse restabelecida. Ela então abriu um sorriso de orelha a orelha. O Natal estava salvo.

Olhou pela janela. A neve caía suavemente. Floco a floco e o asfalto estava coberto de branco. Floco a floco e seus olhos brilhavam intensamente. Ela estava feliz de novo!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Happines in White

It was December. She used to love this time of the year. The Winter Solstice came bringing along the bright white snow she dreamed of the whole year long. Christmas was just around the corner, but she already was in the spirit. "This peaceful and welcoming environment can't get any better", she thought.

Then the next day, something happened. An ice storm broke in and a blackout hit half of the city. "Oh, No! This can't be happening!", she said to herself in a tone out of desperation, almost as if cursing. It took twenty-four interminable hours for the power to come back. She grinned. Christmas was safe after all.

She looked through the window. Snow was falling gently to the ground. Flake by flake and the pavement was all covered in white. Flake by flake and her eyes glowed bright. She was happy again!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tim H.

The first time I was introduced to you,
I did not know such a strong bond would ensue.
When I entered your doors open,
I had a hot chocolate so I would not be frozen.

I thought it would be just that,
But a few days later, I longed for some caffeine instead.
From then on, every time I was en passant,
I ordered a café mocha and a cheese croissant.

Looking for something different, the donuts caught my attention.
Chocolate Dip... Boston Cream, not to mention!
When I was starving and needed to have lunch,
I devoured a panini with a crunch.

As time went by, it dawned on me I was in trouble.
I got addicted to your double-double.
Now here I am again, trying to choose from your goods array...
My, oh, my! There goes my last toonie, eh!