Há alguns dias, li uma coisa que me bateu tão forte que fiquei deprimida. Revoltada. Mal pude dormir. Afetou-me de tal forma que nem conseguia explicar. Aquele texto, uma carta aberta à industria musical, foi apenas o gatilho para o que vinha fervendo dentro de mim há muito tempo (caso se interesse, http://teganandsara.com/news/a-call-for-change/ – o texto está em inglês).
Não vou desabafar ou reclamar da indústria musical. Vou mais longe, mais fundo. O que está acontecendo com o MUNDO? A vida humana ficou sem valor. As pessoas matam por nada e é para ISSO que devemos voltar nossa atenção. Tomamos o certo pelo errado e vice versa. As pessoas parecem ter esquecido o que realmente importa.
Acredito que a minha geração (1988 – 1990, forçando um pouquinho, 1991) foi a última geração a realmente ter uma infância e ninguém até agora, convenceu-me do contrário (se você discorda, por favor, avise-me). Hoje em dia, as mães dão à luz crianças cuja primeira palavra é “internet”; e “rede” e “social” vêm logo depois. Lembro-me que aos treze anos eu ainda brincava com Barbies e videogames, mas agora, neste “caos organizado” em que vivemos, parece que tudo se resume a SEXO. E VIOLÊNCIA. Então uma criança pode assistir a um programa de TV/filme ou videoclipe em que algumas mulheres gostosas, vestidas com uma roupa sexy, rebolam seus quadris voluptuosamente, enquanto alguns homens as observam lascivamente em suas performances, e está tudo bem? Então você lê/assiste/ouve notícias em que o repórter descreve cada pequeno detalhe de como um maluco invadiu uma escola e atirou em todo mundo antes de cometer suicídio, e está tudo bem? NÃO, NÃO está TUDO BEM! Sexo e violência aparecem na mídia com tanta frequência que se tornaram BANAIS. NORMAIS.
RESPEITO, AMOR, FÉ, FAMÍLIA. Essas palavras parecem estar sumindo do dicionário da humanidade. Esses valores parecem estar perdendo importância na moral do mundo. Acredito que devemos mudar conforme o mundo muda, pois somos seres adaptáveis afinal de contas. NO ENTANTO, também acredito que algumas coisas não devem mudar DE JEITO NENHUM! OS VALORES TÊM QUE PERMANECER! Eles são os pilares na construção do nosso caráter. Eles são essenciais para que possamos viver em sociedade.
Não sou jornalista, artista ou política. Talvez por isso, ninguém leia este texto. Mesmo assim, à noite, quando deitar-me e colocar a cabeça no travesseiro, poderei dormir tranquila, pois a mensagem terá sido enviada. Estará lá fora como uma pluma carregada pelo vento. Talvez, ela caia no seu quintal. Talvez, ela continue viajando sem rumo até perder força e cair em um lugar vazio. Sou apenas uma garota tentando encontrar seu caminho, tentando construir seu futuro, tentando escrever sua história e tentando sobreviver apesar de todo o mal que permeou nosso planeta. E depois?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Then what is next?
A few days ago I read something that struck me so badly I got depressed. Revolted. I could barely sleep. It affected me in such a way I could not really explain. That text, an open letter to the music industry, was just a trigger for what has been boiling inside me for a long time (in case you are interested - http://teganandsara.com/news/a-call-for-change/).
I am not going to vent or complain about the music industry. I am going farther. Deeper. What is going on with the WORLD? Human life has become worthless. People kill over nothing and THAT is what we must draw our attention to. We have been taking right for wrong and vice versa. People seem to have forgotten what really matters.
I believe my generation (1988 – 1990, and stretching a little, 1991) was the last generation to have actually had a childhood and no one has convinced me otherwise (if you disagree, please, let me know). Nowadays, mothers give birth to kids whose first word is “internet”; and “social” and “network” come right after that. I remember I was thirteen and still played with Barbies and video games, but now, in this “organized chaos” we live in it seems all comes down to SEX. And VIOLENCE. So kids are allowed to watch TV shows/movies or video clips in which some hot women wearing sexy outfits shake their hips voluptuously while some men lasciviously watch them to perform, and it is ok. So you read/watch/listen to the news in which the reporter describes every single detail of how a psycho invaded a school and shot everyone before committing suicide, and it is ok. NO, it is NOT ok! Sex and violence have featured so regularly in the media they have become BANAL. NORMAL.
RESPECT, LOVE, FAITH, FAMILY. These words seem to be fading from humanity’s dictionary. These values seem to be losing importance in the world’s moral. I believe we should change as the world changes; we are adaptable beings after all. HOWEVER, I also believe some things should not be changed AT ALL! VALUES MUST REMAIN! They are the mainstay of one’s character. They are essential if we are to live in society.
I am not a journalist, an artist or a politician. So maybe no one will get to read this. But even so, tonight, when I lie down and put my head on the pillow I will be able to sleep. Because the message will have been sent. It will be out there like a feather blown by the wind. Maybe it will fall on your yard. Maybe it will keep travelling aimlessly until it loses force and falls on an empty place. I am just a girl trying to find her own path, trying to build her own future, trying to write her own history and trying to survive in spite of all evil that has permeated our planet. Then what is next?
I am not going to vent or complain about the music industry. I am going farther. Deeper. What is going on with the WORLD? Human life has become worthless. People kill over nothing and THAT is what we must draw our attention to. We have been taking right for wrong and vice versa. People seem to have forgotten what really matters.
I believe my generation (1988 – 1990, and stretching a little, 1991) was the last generation to have actually had a childhood and no one has convinced me otherwise (if you disagree, please, let me know). Nowadays, mothers give birth to kids whose first word is “internet”; and “social” and “network” come right after that. I remember I was thirteen and still played with Barbies and video games, but now, in this “organized chaos” we live in it seems all comes down to SEX. And VIOLENCE. So kids are allowed to watch TV shows/movies or video clips in which some hot women wearing sexy outfits shake their hips voluptuously while some men lasciviously watch them to perform, and it is ok. So you read/watch/listen to the news in which the reporter describes every single detail of how a psycho invaded a school and shot everyone before committing suicide, and it is ok. NO, it is NOT ok! Sex and violence have featured so regularly in the media they have become BANAL. NORMAL.
RESPECT, LOVE, FAITH, FAMILY. These words seem to be fading from humanity’s dictionary. These values seem to be losing importance in the world’s moral. I believe we should change as the world changes; we are adaptable beings after all. HOWEVER, I also believe some things should not be changed AT ALL! VALUES MUST REMAIN! They are the mainstay of one’s character. They are essential if we are to live in society.
I am not a journalist, an artist or a politician. So maybe no one will get to read this. But even so, tonight, when I lie down and put my head on the pillow I will be able to sleep. Because the message will have been sent. It will be out there like a feather blown by the wind. Maybe it will fall on your yard. Maybe it will keep travelling aimlessly until it loses force and falls on an empty place. I am just a girl trying to find her own path, trying to build her own future, trying to write her own history and trying to survive in spite of all evil that has permeated our planet. Then what is next?
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